Become a Human Sparkler: Holistic Psychology


Become a Human Sparkler: Holistic Psychology

Holistic psychology addresses not just our thoughts, but also what we eat, how often we move, and our overall lifestyle. On this episode of the Happier & Healthier Podcast, I sat down with Holistic Psychologist Ellie Cobb Ph.D.

Episode Highlights

  • What is holistic psychology and why it is more effective than clinical psychology
  • How nutrition is linked to your mental health and how the foods we eat impact the way we feel
  • Why connection matters, both in our bodies and with others
  • How to make genuine connections with others in this age of countless Facebook friends and Instagram followers
  • The psychological importance of having a gratitude practice
  • Why you shouldn’t put meditation on your to-do list
  • What to do to avoid (or overcome) burnout
  • How to feed your internal spark and be a human sparkler
 Ellie Cobb Ph.D.

Ellie Cobb Ph.D.

Holistic Psychologist

Ellie Cobb, Ph.D. is a Holistic Psychologist, Mindfulness Teacher, Wellness Specialist, and Human Sparkler. Dr. Cobb is passionate about empowering others to improve their own well-being through scientifically-backed holistic health and mental wellness strategies. Dr. Cobb received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University and her B.A. in Psychology from Princeton University. Dr. Cobb is a published research and author, she teaches meditation at the MNDFL studios in Manhattan, spreads global gratitude as the Director of Psychology for Thankful, and works with clients in private practice in Manhattan at Rennicke & Associates. In addition, Dr. Cobb spreads mental health and wellness by leading workshops, giving talks, writing, teaching, and consulting through her wellness company, Grounded & Gold.

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