How To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally With Oil-Pulling


I’ve been getting tons of questions about oil-pulling from my clients, lately (I blame it on the GOOP effect) so I put together a short video on how I whiten my teeth naturally with oil pulling.

Oil-pulling comes from the Ayurvedic tradition and sounds a little weird at first. But I promise you will get used to it in a couple of days, and even enjoy doing it once you see fast results.

Personally, oil-pulling has become a part of my daily morning routine, just like brushing my teeth. Plus, I enjoy doing it because I know well it works.

Check out this video for the full scoop:

[youtube id=”bbvMCXyejXs”]

As I mentioned in the video, you can use any oil, as long as it’s not roasted. However, I personally prefer unrefined coconut oil or sesame oil.

If you know someone who uses whitening strips or other products to whiten their teeth, share this video with them, for a natural, and gentler alternative that is just as effective (without getting sensitive teeth!)

Try oil-pulling to whiten your teeth for a week. Then come back here and leave a comment below to let us know how it worked for you!

Other Ways To Whiten Teeth Naturally

There are so many teeth whitening products on the market, but many of them use harsh chemicals. Thankfully, it is possible to visibly whiten your teeth using natural products free of harsh chemicals.

For more ways on how to whiten your teeth naturally, check out this post, How To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally & Fast.

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Hi, I’m Maria and I’m an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

I help busy women lose weight or clear up their acne by developing healthier eating habits, based on a plant-based paleo diet.

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