July 6, 2020 by Wondering how to wash dark leafy greens? This 2-step process will ensure your kale, chard, and other dark leafy greens are free from dirt, debris, and critters. ???? ???? If you buy organic, this is especially important, as bugs love their veggies, too! How to Wash Dark Leafy Greens Step 1: Submerge greens in a bowl of cold water. Jostle them around with your fingers for 30-60 seconds to dislodge dirt and debris. Step 2: Lift the greens up out of the water, shake them off, and place into a colander. Don’t dump the water through the colander, or else you will be dumping it back on your greens. Dump the water and repeat twice more, or until the water is clear after lifting the greens out.